Work With the Item Catalog Version 12/16/2022 18:57:57


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The Item Catalog is a list of all items in your site's database. The item catalog contains item records for all organizations at your medical center. You create records for new items in the item catalog. How you use the item catalog depends, to a degree, on your supply process.

The system accommodates multiple supply configurations (and their combinations); for example:

For details on setting up an asset location, see Creating a data record for an asset location.

Powerpoint Walk-Through

Click here for a short Powerpoint introduction to viewing item records.


Item Types

File Items

Items used regularly in a medical center are listed in the system's item catalog. Items listed in the item catalog are file items. File items are of two types: stock items and non-stock items.

Stock and Non-Stock File Items

Non-File Items

Non-file items are special items that are not listed in the item catalog. Non-file items might include implants acquired for particular procedures, materials for renovation or construction, new equipment and instrumentation, training materials, special lab materials, and variants of catalog items that are seldom used. Non-file items are ordered directly from vendors.

Multiple Inventories

Different organizations may request items from different asset location inventories. Since items controlled by one asset location inventory may not be available from another asset location, the item catalog provides a consistent way of identifying items independently of asset location. From the Materials Management > Inventory contents, you can view the item inventory displayed in your Current Settings.

To view the Item Catalog

Figure 1 - Item Catalog List

Some column headings in the Item Catalog -- Item No, for example -- may be underlined. Clicking on an underlined column heading sorts the column. In Figure 1, the cursor is on the column heading Manufacturer Item No. The user wishes to sort this column. See Search the Item Catalog for details on locating items in the item catalog.

List elements may also be underlined; for example, the value next to the red arrow in Figure 1. Clicking on an underlined value links to more information on the web, such as an item picture or vendor web page.

From the Menu on any row of the item catalog, you can access the following functions, among others:

You can also use Search to find items in the item catalog. See Search the item catalog for details.

Transferring Usage and Contract Statistics for an Item

The Transfer Usage and Statistics feature lets you convert usage statistics from one item in the item catalog to another. You may find this feature useful if you need to create a new item number for an item that you already have in your catalog, but with a different unit of measure.

When you run the statistics transfer, the "from" item becomes inactive. You cannot use the "from" item in new requisitions or POs. However, any open POs or requisitions that contain the item can be completed, and you can do inventory adjustments for the "from" item.

To transfer usage and contract statistics for an item:

  1. From the Materials Management main Contents, select Inventory > Item Catalog.
    The Item Catalog list appears.
  2. Locate the item whose usage/statistics you wish to transfer.
  3. Select Menu > Transfer Usage and Contract Statistics.
    The "Are you sure..." panel appears (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Transferring Item Usage/Contract Statistics

  1. Enter the To Item Number, the From Quantity, and the To Quantity.
  1. Click Submit to complete the transfer.

To view item audit information:

The field Safety Stock Quantity on an item record is an audited field. The system keeps a record of changes to the Safety Stock Quantity field. You can view these changes.

  1. From the Item Catalog list, select Menu > View Audit Info beside an item.
  2. Click Go. The Audit Info list panel for the item appears (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Auditing an Item Record